THE OUD ORNAMENTS MASTERCLASS: Learn to play fully ornamented, exciting Oud music with 5 Golden Techniques.

What if your friends and family danced every time you play your Oud?

Starting from $279 $119 FOR A LIMITED TIME

oud ornaments


Would you like to hear your friends and family say, “Your Oud playing is so beautiful!”... ?

Would you like to see your friends and family dance to your Oud playing?

Would you like to appreciate more fully the aesthetic beauty of your Oud playing when you play for yourself?

Do you want to create that “Ohh yeahh…!” feeling every time you play the Oud for yourself?

 Are you getting bored with your Oud playing?

Have you felt like your Oud playing is too simple, maybe even boring?

Have you felt like your Oud playing hasn’t improved much over the last few months?

A lot of people come to me for Oud lessons wanting to take their Oud playing to the next level.
Some people play too elementarily.
Others play too intensely without taste, like they’re fighting the Oud.
They feel stuck, like they are not progressing. They are not sure how to proceed, or what they should change about their playing.

I’ve often heard my students say...
“I really want feel like I’m playing something nice”
“I want to know how the pros do it”
“I get bored after playing for a while”
“I’m having trouble with tremolo”
“My right hand is slow”

Feeling like this can really prevent you from enjoying your Oud, and having fun.

It might make you shy to perform for friends and family.
It can cause lack of motivation and you’ll put away the Oud for some time.

I remember when I switched over from being a Santour player to being an Oud player.

At times, I felt very naked.
The Santour fills up the space with sound, and you can do so much with a little bit of tremolo.

But the Oud isn’t like that.

It’s gentle and soft. Adding too much tremolo for the sake of trying to play more robustly can take away from the finesse and caress that makes people fall in love with the sound of the Oud.

I realized I had to take a different approach.

I had to change the way I thought about ornamentation and embellishment and creating sound that is appropriate for the instrument.

It’s kind of like adding seasoning to food. Adding no seasoning or too much seasoning can ruin the dish. You need to know which seasoning to use and how much to add in order to make a great dish.

Fast-forward 8 years

When I play the Oud…
My mom sings along with my music…
My friends start to snap & clap to the music…
I appreciate the aesthetic beauty of my own playing…
I don’t get bored after playing and practicing… (I can practice all day long)
Now I feel like a confident Oud player, and I’m excited to learn more and keep playing.

So what happened in the last 8 years? What changed?

The Secrets I discovered

Two things happened:

  • I started performing regularly and received more feedback about my playing…
  • I started listening to Arabic Oud players…

I realized you have to play the Oud in a way which showcases the strengths of the instrument.

What do I mean?

There are many ways to play the Oud, BUT there are certain techniques and tricks that sound GREAT when played on Oud.

The most commonly used techniques that showcase the beauty of the Oud are what I call…

The 5 Golden Ornaments

That means, of all the techniques you can play on the Oud, there are 5 that create the majority of the outstanding character of Oud playing, and applying these techniques is going to make you AND your friends and family enjoy your Oud playing.

Can you guess what these 5 techniques are?

  • Tremolo
  • Doubling Up
  • Bass Note Jumping
  • Trills
  • Hammer-on Pull-off Combinations

These are the techniques that create dynamics in the music and make it sound authentic and full even if you are playing the Oud by yourself.

Okay, but how do you play them, and how do you apply them to a piece of music?

How to play the techniques is relatively easy to show, but it took me a while to figure out how to apply them. It took a lot of listening, researching, and trial and error.

After doing many tutorials and teaching students, I’ve finally consolidated them into one easy-to-follow program.

YOU don’t have to waste time trying and figuring out how to tastefully add these techniques and embellish a tune.

The Oud Ornaments Masterclass

What you'll learn

The Oud Masterclass will help you learn how to execute and apply the 5 Golden Ornaments to any piece of music.


Tremolo doesn't happen over night. With these exercises you can learn faster. Don't overdo tremolo. Learn where to effectively use tremolo.


Doubling up the notes you play adds rhythm and an energetic, driving feel. It's one of the most important Oud ornaments. Learn two ways, and when to add them.


Bass notes add a sense of dynamics and rhythm. PRO players like Simon Shaheen use them extensively.


Another essential ornament that is like adding the cherry on top of your favorite melody. Learn how to apply two kinds of trills to any music.


An ornament that is the mark of a true professional. Learn two types and how to use them in any music.

  • Learn the most famous Samai Bayati by Ibrahim al-Aryan and see exactly how to add these 5 Golden Techniques to make it sound tastefully exciting.
  • Learn Samai Nahawand by Mesut Cemil Bey and learn how to arrange it with the 5 Golden Techniques.
  • Learn Sama Hijaz by Mohamed Abdo and learn how to arrange it with the 5 Golden Techniques.
  • Study the tips on incorporating these techniques to music so that you can tastefully ornament any song you like!
  • Enjoy your Oud playing assured that you are doing what the pros do.

Basic Package

  • The basic package includes everything you need to apply advanced techniques to any piece of music.

It includes:

  • 5 video lessons where you learn how to play the basic version of Samai Bayati Al Aryan.
  • 5 video lessons where you learn how to apply advanced techniques to it and other compositions.
  • 7 additional exercise video lessons where you learn how to develop more advanced techniques to add to the 5 Golden Techniques.
  • Basic music notation for Samai Bayati Al Aryan
  • Advanced music notation for Samai Bayati Al Aryan… so you can see exactly how advanced Oud techniques are notated.
  • An ornaments cheatsheet that highlights important aspects of each technique with guidelines on where and how to use them in other compositions.

You’ll see a plenty of examples on how to apply techniques to songs and personalize them to your liking. Your Oud playing will be more lively and tasteful!


Complete Package

  • The complete package includes everything you need to create an exciting performance.
  • EVERYTHING in the Basic Package


  • 1 video lesson applying techniques and arrangement to Sama’i Nahawand Cemil
  • 1 video lesson applying techniques and arrangement to Sama’i Hijaz Abdo
  • 1 video lesson applying techniques and arrangement to Hijaz Mandira by Andon Efendi
  • 1 video lesson applying techniques and arrangement to Sama'i Suzidil by Sedat Oztaprat & Fahri Kopuz
  • Bonus lesson on Alf Leila wa Leila with advanced techniques
  • Bonus Taqsim video lesson where you learn practical ways to create a taqsim and exciting performance.
  • Taqasim cheatsheet that helps you connect with your audience with the formula for an mesmerizing taqsim.
  • Bonus performance video where you can all the ornaments in action and practice playing along with.

5 famous tunes and the basics of playing taqasim under your belt, you’ll be well on your way to entertain your friends and jam with other musicians!


Ready to start?

Choose the package that's right for you...

Basic Package:

The basic package includes everything you need to apply advanced techniques to any piece of music.

$279 $119



Complete Package:

For those who want to learn more compositions and see more examples how ornaments are applied.

$299 $137


60-day money back guarantee! 

Let us take the risk off your shoulders. I'm confident that you will have a much deeper understanding of the Oud and Egyptian music and develop your techniques faster with the effective and the clear instructions. 

But if you feel you were not satisfied with the instruction in the Oud Masterclass, email us within 60 days of your purchase, and we will refund every penny immediately.

See what past students have to say:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I am enjoying the Masterclass course, as I knew I would. You explain and demonstrate everything so clearly.

I like the fact that you demonstrate the basic melody first and then a more advanced version with ornamentation.”


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I tried your written version with the extra techniques. It was great to compare what I would add to the techniques you added. 

It gave me plenty to think about for use playing any semai’s… Thanks again.”


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"What makes your program work for me is that your teaching method lays a clear path and walks me through to achievable milestones. I practice a little every day and your program is awesome. It gives my practice a clear direction and allows me to focus on the subject rather than flipping through youtube videos resulting in losing direction and momentum."


Is the Oud Masterclass for me?

"How long does it take to get results?"

Everybody learns at a different pace. However, it's safe to say that anyone who diligently practices an hour a day 6 days a week should be able to learn this material well within a month to two months. If you feel like you need feedback, you can always join our monthly office hours offered every other month for American time zones and every other month for Eurasian time zones.

"What if it doesn't work for me?"

If you are really having a hard time understanding the material or thought the instruction was unsatisfactory, we offer a 60 day month back guarantee. However, I recommend joining our office hours to get some feedback before giving up completely. When in doubt, contact me and I'll do my best to help.

"I've seen similar courses offered elsewhere - what makes this course different?"

OudForGuitarists is a one man operation. I answer student emails and run this online music school by myself. So when you have a question, the teacher answers. I do my best to help. People learn best when they feel like they have a good connection with their instructor.

"I'm still a beginner, but I can play some songs... is this course right for me?” 

I recommend this course if you've been playing Oud or another instrument for at least a year or two and you can play some songs. If you're not sure, email me at and send me a clip of your playing and I'll tell you if this suits your level.

“I can't read music. Can I still learn the songs in this course?” 

Yes, you can. If you learn primarily by ear you'll have to use the video and audio to learn the music.  


“I don’t have the time right now.” 

Once you join the Oud Masterclass is yours for life. You can access these lessons and download them anytime. If you're busy right now, start slowly or come back to the course when you are ready.


“Couldn’t I find this for free on YouTube?” 

You might be able to find something like this on YouTube, but I doubt you would be able to get all the detailed scores, quality video lessons, or private follow-up lessons that we offer in these packages.

"Seems too expensive...."

It's well known that distance education is always cheaper than private one-on-one instruction. If you were to learn the same material in one-on-one private lessons, it would cost at least double the price if not more.

Ready to start?

Choose the package that's right for you...

Basic Package:

The basic package includes everything you need to apply advanced techniques to any piece of music.

$279 $119


Complete Package:

For those who want to learn more compositions and see more examples how ornaments are applied.

$299 $137